Meet Nancy Mayer

Someone We Both Know Wants Us to Meet

I help business owners

3x More Sales
2x More Productivity
This is a big impact on your PROFITABILITY

I am a leading authority of building Advisory Boards – the most under-utilized business tool

It is all about powerful strategy

Meet Nancy Mayer

Build your CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE exponentially!

Who is Nancy Mayer?

Strategist | Catalyst
Advisory Board Builder

BUSINESS EXPERIENCE: 30 Years’ experience assembling & leading teams to extraordinary outcomes
ARTS: As music manager, propelled 2 “unknown & unsigned” acts to Gold & Platinum Records: Signed by IRS & MCA Records.
EVENTS: As Event manager, doubled donations in 2 years for a national non-profit: Ride for Sight.
TECH: Managed multiple high-tech software development teams: The Globe and Mail
STARTUP CO-OWNER: High-tech sport & boot socks manufacturer/retailer.
COMPANY ACQUISITION: Shareholder & Director for a Film Directory Publishing Company acquired by MacLean’s Magazine/Marketing Magazine.
CONSULTING: Strategic Planning & Project Management consultant for the BDC (Business Development Corporation – Canadian Investment bank for Entrepreneurs) working with a variety of businesses from $4M – $120M.
Speaker / Trainer

Nancy Mayer - Speaker / Trainer

Author Nancy Mayer

Nancy Mayer - Facilitator

Let me help you surround yourself with world-class advisors to solve your biggest business challenges.

Business         Technology          Entertainment

Imagine leveraging years or decades of vast high-level experience from a group of wise advisors closely collaborating to help your company.

Let Me Show You How

Nancy Mayer, The Foremost Authority on Building World-Class Advisory Boards
